Horseback riding is more than just a leisurely activity - it’s also an excellent way to get fit and have fun at the same time. If you’re interested in learning this beautiful sport and want to make sure you do it correctly from day one, it’s best to find a horse riding instructor who can help you with that. If you’re thinking of learning how to ride but aren’t sure where to start, this article will give you some helpful advice on finding the right instructor for you and your needs.

What does an instructor teach you?

A horse riding instructor helps you learn how to ride and improve your skills. Depending on which type of instructor you choose and what you want to learn, your instructor will teach you a variety of different things. Some of the most common things a horse riding instructor will teach you include:- How to look after your horse properly - This includes things like making sure the horse has enough to eat and drink and is comfortable. You should also make sure your horse has the correct equipment for its size and use it correctly.- How to ride your horse - This covers things like how to sit in the saddle correctly, which movements to use while riding your horse, how to stop your horse, and how to get your horse to change direction or stop moving if necessary.


Before you meet with a horse riding instructor, it’s a good idea to make a list of all the things you will need to get started. This will help you get ready for your lesson without feeling rushed or like you’re not prepared.- First and foremost, you’ll need a saddle and bridle. If you’re renting from a stable, this may be included. However, if you’re buying a new horse riding set, you should make sure you get one that’s suitable for you and your horse. Saddles can be expensive, but they’re a good investment for your horseback riding career.- Horseshoes - These are optional but can make your ride much more stable. If you do decide to use them, make sure they are sized properly for your horse.- Protective riding gear - This can be as simple as a helmet or other head protection, or a full suit. Depending on where you’re riding and the type of horse you have, this may not be necessary.

Finding an instructor

The first step in learning how to ride is finding an instructor. There are lots of different ways to meet with an instructor, and they all have their own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the most common ways:- Horseback riding school - This is one of the most popular ways to learn how to ride. Most people start their riding career at a horseback riding school because they’re a great place to learn how to ride and improve your skills while surrounded by like-minded horse lovers.- Taking lessons at home - If you already own a horse, you may be able to take lessons at home with the help of a friend who also rides. This is a good option if you want to ride in a natural environment and don’t have the time to commit to a long-term lesson.- Signing up for lessons at a riding school - If you live in an area where there aren’t any riding schools, you can visit the closest one and sign up for lessons. This is a great option if you want to learn how to ride at your own pace without having to commit to a long-term lesson.

Taking your first ride

There are a few things you should do before you take your first horse riding lesson. This will help you get used to riding and make sure you have a safe and enjoyable experience. - Be sure to eat a healthy meal before your lesson so that you don’t get hungry. This isn’t a necessity, but it can help you stay focused and alert while you’re learning.- Prepare for your lesson by taking a bath or shower beforehand. This will help you feel more comfortable and relaxed, which is important for the rest of your lesson.- Make sure you have plenty of water and a healthy snack to keep you hydrated and energized.- Find out the best way to catch a horse before your lesson. This is an important part of your preparation, as different ways of catching a horse will affect how it feels and behaves during your lesson.

Bottom line

The more you know about horseback riding, the easier it will be to find a good instructor and get started. However, even if you’ve never ridden or have only ridden a few times in your life, you can still learn how to ride. The most important thing is that you are ready to commit to learning, and you have the right mindset to do so. Now that you know what to expect from a horse riding instructor, it’s time to meet with one and get started!