A horse riding lesson is often one of the first activities people do after obtaining a saddle horse of their own. However, inexperienced riders may not know what to expect or may make some simple mistakes that could throw off their entire lesson. No matter how many times they’ve been on a horse before or how many times they’ve watched someone ride, everyone makes mistakes when learning how to ride. Even experienced horse riders make mistakes occasionally, and it is important to learn how to correct them quickly so you can get back to enjoying your time with the horses.

Don't forget to warm up before your lesson.

Before you begin your lesson, it is important to warm up your muscles and limber up so you can avoid injury in the future. This will help you maintain a proper position on the horse, prevent you from feeling stiff and awkward during your lesson, and make it easier to get off the horse once it is over. The best way to warm up is to do a few minutes of gentle stretching. This can be done by standing with your legs apart, holding your arms out in front of you, and slowly leaning forward. Another good way to warm up is to walk around the riding ring to get your legs and feet moving. You can also bounce on a mini-bump or two to get the blood flowing and loosen up your muscles.

Don't forget to praise your horse.

Praising your horse is a great way to build a positive bond between you and your horse. It also helps to keep the horse calm and focused when it is doing things correctly. This is especially important during lesson time, when the horse is being focused on you and your movements. If you are in a public riding ring, there will likely be other riders nearby who will be watching you. A horse that is over-excited or worried will likely be unruly and may even spook, which could put both of you in danger. Praise your horse often, and be sure that both of you know when you are doing well. If your horse is particularly stubborn or skittish, it may be easier to simply lead the horse around the ring and turn off the praise. You can still build a good bond with your horse even if it isn’t a particularly advanced or easy-going one.

Don't forget to lead before you ask.

This is a common mistake that is easy to fall into when you are just starting out riding. You may be more used to leading than riding, but when someone has never led a horse before, they may be a little bit nervous. If the instructor sees that you are hesitant or are visibly shaky, they may decide to let you lead the horse for the entire lesson. This is usually a good thing, but it can be a little nerve-wracking for a beginner. If you are nervous about being able to lead the horse correctly, simply ask the instructor if you can lead for a short time. If you do this, make sure to praise your horse when it is walking calmly beside you, and stop as soon as things start to get out of hand. This will help you avoid making a big mistake.

Listen to the instructor and pay attention to what they say.

The most important part of a horse riding lesson is to pay attention and listen to what your instructor tells you. This may seem obvious, but you will likely make many simple mistakes if you do not listen to the instructor and do what they say. If you are not sure of the proper way to do something, ask your instructor and be sure to thank them for their help. Even if you already know how to do something, it is a good idea to ask the instructor if you are doing it correctly. There is no need to be a prideful jerk and insist that you know the best way to do everything. Your instructor has likely been doing this for a long time, so they are likely to know what they are doing.

Don't forget to take off your hat and boots.

Many people think they can wear their helmet and boots when they are riding, but this can actually hurt the horse. If you are wearing a helmet, make sure it is properly adjusted and doesn’t interfere with your ability to see and communicate with your horse. You may want to wear boots, but make sure they are not too tight and do not put pressure on your horse’s legs. Horses are prey animals, and they are very sensitive to pressure from humans. In fact, many horse owners choose to ride with no boots because they can be very uncomfortable for the horse.

Bottom line - Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Horse riding can be an exciting and rewarding activity, but it is important to remember that it is a physical sport, not a social one. You are responsible for maintaining a good balance between being confident and being respectful of your horse and other riders at all times. No matter how long you have been riding or how many times you have been on a horse, you will make mistakes. You may make a few simple mistakes every time you ride, but it is important to learn from them and not let them get you down.